A Seleção de Cantos Para o Culto Cristão – Bibliografia

por: Denise Cordeiro de Souza Frederico

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  400. YOUNG, F. W. The Theological Context of New Testament Worship. In: SHEPHERD Jr., Massey H. The Worship of the Church. Clinton : Colonial, 1952.
  401. YOUNG, Percy, SMITH, James. Chorus. In: SADIE, Stanley. The New Dictionary of Music and Musician. London : Macmillan, 1980.
  402. ZIMMERLI, W. Manual de Teología del Antiguo Testamento. Madrid : Cristiandad, 1980.
  403. ZIMMERMAN, Joyce Ann. Liturgy as living faith : a liturgical spirituality. New Jersey : Associated University, 1993.

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