Debate Sobre a Música na Igreja / Ellen G. White e a Música na Igreja

Ellen White Era Contra a Bateria na Música Sacra? – Uma Resposta – Apêndice

A fim de compreender a posição da Sra. Ellen G. White acerca da condicionalidade das profecias, foi realizada em 06 de janeiro de 2011 uma pesquisa no acervo completo nos escritos publicados de Ellen G. White, através do site do White State americano, sendo que a consulta pode ser repetida por qualquer interessado, através do endereço e instruções descritas abaixo.

Para a finalidade que nos importa nesta réplica, destacamos os seguintes tópicos:

  1. Quando Deus prometeu prosperidade ao povo de Israel, esta promessa era condicional à sua obediência (ver itens nrs. 5, 9 e 19).
  2. A bênção do acesso à árvore da vida no Éden também era condicional à obediência do ser humano (ver itens nrs. 12 e 25).
  3. As bênçãos derramadas sobre Seu povo hoje também são condicionais (ver itens nrs. 3, 4 e 23).
  4. A promessa de que seremos, de forma pessoal, justificados e recebidos por Deus em Seu reino é condicional (ver itens nrs. 18, 20, 22, 26 e 29
  5. A brevidade de Sua volta é condicional (ver itens nrs. 1, 2, 15, 16 e 24), porém nunca a sua certeza!

A pesquisa foi propositalmente ampla, utilizando apenas uma palavra (“conditional“, ou seja, “condicional”) como parâmetro, a fim de trazer o maior número de resultados possível, permitindo uma visão geral do assunto nos escritos de Ellen G. White. Por este motivo, além dos itens utilizados no texto da réplica acima, a lista nos apresenta outros resultados não relacionados com este tema, mas que são explicados a seguir em benefício dos que tem alguma dificuldade com o idioma inglês:

– Perigo das promessas condicionais de casamento (itens nrs. 7, 8, 10, 11, 13 e 27)

– Crença condicionada a milagres (item nr. 6)

– Preservação da vida de uma tripulação condicionada à fidelidade ao dever (item nr. 14)

– Resposta condicionada a outra resposta (item nr. 17)

– Alguém que ensinava a imortalidade condicional (item nr. 21)

– Uma promessa condicional feita por Ellen White (item nr. 28)

– Pedido por cura (in?) condicional (item nr. 30)

A lista abaixo apresenta, na primeira linha de cada resultado:

  • O número do item
  • A porcentagem de relevância (Score) para o termo pesquisado
  • O livro ou periódico e o ano da publicação
  • O número e o título do capítulo onde foi encontrada a palavra chave

Em seguida, é apresentado um pequeno trecho que contém a palavra pesquisada. O número da página e o parágrafo podem ser encontrados nos textos, entre chaves, precedidos das iniciais da publicação em questão.

Instruções para a pesquisa:

Ao entrar na página do Ellen G. White State (, clique no link “Ellen G. White’s Complete Published Writings” e em seguida no botão “Full Text Search“. Utilizamos como parâmetro de pesquisa a palavra “conditional” e selecionamos a opção “Long” no campo “Show document excerpts in the results list“. Esta pesquisa trouxe 30 resultados, os quais estão listados abaixo, da forma como foram apresentados. Para maior clareza, colocamos em negrito o termo pesquisado. Exceto por esta alteração, a lista de resultados não foi editada de qualquer maneira.

1. 44% BOOKS/Mar – Maranatha (1976)/Chap. 53 – Why Christ Delays His Coming

…as we hoped. But has the word of the Lord failed? Never! It should be remembered that the promises and threatenings of God are alike conditional . {Mar 61. 1} God had committed to His people a work to be accomplished on earth. The third angel’s message was to be given, the ….

2. 40% BOOKS/LDE – Last Day Events (1992)/Chap. 3. – “When Shall These Things Be?”

…and the Lord Jesus would have come to our earth in power and great glory.–DA 633, 634 (1898). {LDE 38. 2} God’s Promises Are Conditional The angels of God in their messages to men represent time as very short. [SEE ROMANS 13:11, 12; 1 CORINTHIANS 7:29; 1 THESSALONIANS …

…as we hoped. But has the Word of the Lord failed? Never! It should be remembered that the promises and threatenings of God are alike conditional . [SEE JEREMIAH 18:7-10; JONAH 3:4-10.]. . . {LDE 38. 3} We may have to remain here in this world because of insubordination many more years …

3. 39% BOOKS/CG – Child Guidance (1954)/Chap. Ten – The Key to Happiness and Success

…disobedience, but the disobedience itself which is the crime. {CG 80. 1} The Foundation of Temporal and Spiritual Prosperity. –Temporal and spiritual prosperity are made conditional upon obedience to the law of God. But we do not read God’s Word, and thus become familiar with the terms of the blessing that …

4. 34% BOOKS/PCP – Peter’s Counsel to Parents (1981)/Chap. 3 – Sermon at Petaluma, California, Campground

…Christ. Christ is depending upon everyone to do his best. To every man and to every woman He has given a work. {PCP 25. 4} Conditional promises God’s promises are conditional . In order to make it possible for Him to bless us, we must do our part. We cannot expect that all His blessings will come …

5. 34% PERIODICALS/RH – The Review and Herald/February 19, 1914 A Door of Hope Mrs. Ellen G. White

…these were numbered as “sons of the living God.” Hosea 1:10. {RH, February 19, 1914 par. 1} God’s favor toward Israel had always been conditional on their obedience. At the foot of Sinai, the hosts of Israel had entered into covenant relation with God as his “peculiar treasure . . . above all …

6. 33% BOOKS/DA – The Desire of Ages (1898)/Chap. 20 – “Except Ye See Signs and Wonders”

…will not believe.” {DA 198. 1} Notwithstanding all the evidence that Jesus was the Christ, the petitioner had determined to make his belief in Him conditional on the granting of his own request. The Saviour contrasted this questioning unbelief with the simple faith of the Samaritans, who asked for no miracle …

7. 32% BOOKS/AH – The Adventist Home (1952)/Chap. Six – The Great Decision

…upon yourself the marriage vow and link yourself for life to one whom you cannot love and respect. Be very careful how you enter into conditional engagements; but better, far better, break the engagement before marriage than separate afterward, as many do. {AH 48. 2} You may say, “But I have …

8. 30% BOOKS/FE – Fundamentals of Christian Education (1923)/Chap. 12 – Courtship and Marriage

…upon yourself the marriage vow, and link yourself for life to one whom you cannot love and respect. Be very careful how you enter into conditional engagements; but better, far better, break the engagement before marriage than separate afterward, as many do. {FE 104. 3} True love is a plant that …

9. 30% BOOKS/PK – Prophets and Kings (1917)/Chap. 24 – “Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge”

…Chap. 24 – “Destroyed for Lack of Knowledge” God’s favor toward Israel had always been conditional on their obedience. At the foot of Sinai they had entered into covenant relationship with Him as His “peculiar treasure. . . above all people.” Solemnly they …

10. 30% BOOKS/MYP – Messages to Young People (1930)/Chap. 151 – Need of Counsel and Guidance

…the marriage   450 vow, and link yourself for life to one whom you cannot love and respect. Be very careful how you enter into conditional engagements; but better, far better, break the engagement before marriage than separate afterward, as many do. {MYP 449. 4} Treatment of Mother an Index True …

11. 30% PERIODICALS/RH – The Review and Herald/January 26, 1886 Courtship and Marriage. – By Mrs. Ellen G. White. –

…upon yourself the marriage vow, and link yourself for life to one whom you cannot love and respect. Be very careful how you enter into conditional engagements; but better, far better, break the engagement before marriage than separate afterward, as many do. {RH, January 26, 1886 par. 11} True love is …

12. 29% BOOKS/Ed – Education (1903)/Chap. 35 – The School of the Hereafter

…of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God.” Revelation 2:7. The giving of the tree of life in Eden was conditional , and it was finally withdrawn. But the gifts of the future life are absolute and eternal. {Ed 302. 1} The prophet beholds the “river of …

13. 28% BOOKS/LYL – Letters to Young Lovers (1983)/Section Five – In Control

…upon yourself the marriage vow and link yourself for life to one whom you cannot love and respect. Be very careful how you enter into conditional engagements; but better, far better, break the engagement before marriage than separate afterward, as many do. {LYL 52. 1} MARY ANNE SEEMS SELF-CENTERED AND …

14. 28% BOOKS/LP – Sketches from the Life of Paul (1883)/Chapter XXIV. – The Voyage and Shipwreck.

…apostle’s faith in God did not waver; he had no doubt concerning his own preservation, but the promise of safety to the crew had been conditional upon their performance of duty. The soldiers, on hearing Paul’s words, immediately cut off the ropes of the boat, letting her fall off into the …

15. 25% BOOKS/COL – Christ’s Object Lessons (1900)/Chap. 28 – The Reward of Grace

…with satisfaction of what he and his brethren had given up for Christ. “Behold,” he said, “we have forsaken all, and followed Thee.” Remembering the conditional promise to the young ruler, “Thou shalt have treasure in heaven,” he now asked what he and his companions were to receive as a reward …

16. 25% BIOGRAPHICAL BOOKS/1BIO – Ellen G. White: The Early Years Volume 1 – 1827-1862, By Arthur L. White (1985)/Chap. 22 – (1856) Soul-shaking Experiences for the Ministers and Laity

…were those at the conference who would live to see Jesus come. At this distance this portion of the vision must be understood in the conditional nature of God’s promises, and the forbearance of God that man shall be saved. There are examples of such in the Word of God, one ….

17. 24% BOOKS/DA – The Desire of Ages (1898)/Chap. 65 – The Temple Cleansed Again

…an assertion they intended to deny. But Jesus met them with a question apparently pertaining to another subject, and He made His reply to them conditional on their answering this question. “The baptism of John,” He said, “whence was it? from heaven, or of men?” {DA 593. 3} The priests saw …

18. 24% BOOKS/Ev – Evangelism (1946)/Chap. 20 – The Message Triumphant

…we hoped. But has the Word of the Lord failed? Never! It should be remembered that the promises and the threatenings of God are alike conditional . {Ev 695. 1} God had committed to His people a work to be accomplished on earth. The third angel’s message was to be given, the ….

19. 24% BOOKS/PK – Prophets and Kings (1917)/Chap. 59 – “The House of Israel”

…people He said, “Behold, . . . I will be their God, in truth and in righteousness.” Zechariah 8:3, 7, 8. {PK 703. 2} These promises were conditional on obedience. The sins that had characterized the Israelites prior to the captivity, were not to be repeated. “Execute true judgment,” the Lord exhorted those …

20. 24% BOOKS/1T – Testimonies For The Church Volume One (1855-1868)/Chap. 59 – Power of Example

…They leave behind them the things of this world. They fulfill the command: Come out from among them, and be ye separate.” Here is the conditional promise: “I will receive you.” From the beginning, Christ has chosen His people out of world and required them to be separate, having no fellowship …

21. 24% BIOGRAPHICAL BOOKS/EGWE – Ellen G. White in Europe 1885-1887, By D. A. Delafield (1975)/Chap. 14 – The First Visit to Italy

…of the World’s Crisis , during the years 1856-1876. At one point Seventh-day Adventists had sponsored some meetings of his in California since he taught conditional immortality and had similar prophetic views, but the arrangement did not work out, and Grant became an active opposer of Seventh-day Adventists and particularly …

22. 24% PERIODICALS/RH – The Review and Herald/June 25, 1861 Power of Example. –

…They leave behind them the things of this world. They fulfill the command, “Come out from among them and be ye separate.” Here is the conditional promise, “I will receive you.” Christ from the beginning has chosen his people out of the world, and required them to be separate, having no …

23. 24% MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS/2SAT – Sermons and Talks Volume Two (1994)/Chap. 27 – Lessons From the First Chapter of Second Peter Manuscript 77, 1902

…depending upon everyone to do his best. To every man and to every woman He has given a work. {2SAT 195. 4} God’s promises are conditional . In order to make it possible for Him to bless us, we must do our part. We cannot expect that all His blessings will come …

24. 22% BOOKS/1SM – Selected Messages Book 1 (1958)/Chap. 5 – An Explanation of Early Statements –

…as we hoped. But has the word of the Lord failed? Never! It should be remembered that the promises and threatenings of God are alike conditional . {1SM 67. 8} God had committed to His people a work to be accomplished on earth. The third angel’s message was to be given, the ….

25. 18% BOOKS/FLB – The Faith I Live By (1958)/Chap. 12 – The Triumph of the Gospel

…prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.” Rev. 21:1, 2. . . . {FLB 360. 4} The giving of the tree of life in Eden was conditional , and it was finally withdrawn. But the gifts of the future life are absolute and eternal. . . . {FLB 360. 5} Restored to His presence, man will …

26. 18% BOOKS/4bSG – Spiritual Gifts Volume 4b (1864)/Number Seven. – Great Distress Coming, and God’s People Not Prepared For It

…They leave behind them the things of this world. They fulfill the command, “Come out from among them and be ye separate.” Here is the conditional promise. “I will receive you.” Christ from the beginning has chosen his people out of the world, and required them to be separate, having no …

27. 17% PAMPHLETS/PH048 – Living by Principle (1898)

…upon yourself the marriage vow, and link yourself for life to one whom you cannot love and respect. Be very careful how you enter into conditional engagements; but better, far better, break the engagement before marriage than separate afterward, as many do. {PH048 24. 3} True love is a plant that …

28. 14% MANUSCRIPT RELEASES/MR1033 – Manuscript Release No 1033: The Salamanca Vision and the 1890 Diary (1983)

…me how much good the words spoken had done them and beg me to come and stay with them a few weeks. I made a conditional promise and had to tear myself away, for the carriage was at the door to take me immediately to the cars which left at ten …

29. 11% MANUSCRIPT RELEASES/MR926 – Manuscript Release No. 926: The Fannie Bolton Story (1982)

…confidence in God. The righteousness of the unfallen beings of the eternal world, and of the inhabitants of this world fallen because of sin, is conditional upon their faithful obedience to the law of God, which is holy, just, and good. All created beings must derive their life from God. Not …

30. 5% MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS/SpM – Spalding and Magan Collection (1985)

…earnestness and faith, as the Spirit of God may move upon you. {SpM 6. 1} But it is not always safe to ask for (un?) conditional healing. Let your prayer include this thought, “Lord, Thou knowest every secret of the soul. Thou art acquainted with these persons, for Jesus their advocate …

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